Publications 2012

Calvayrac C., Martin-Laurent F., Faveaux A., Picault N., Panaud O., Coste C-M., Chaabane H., Cooper JF.
Isolation and characterization of a bacterial strain degrading the herbicide sulcotrione from an agricultural soil.
Pest Management Science, 2012, 68 (3), 340-347. (IF 2.2)

Cédric Bertrand., Claire Prigent-Combaret
Les alternatives aux pesticides.
Biofutur, 2012, 39-40, vol. 31/330

Reveillaud J., Allewaert C., Perez T., Vacelet J., Banaigs B., Vanreusel A.
Relevance of an Integrative Approach for Taxonomic Revision in Sponge Taxa: Case Study of the Shallow-water Atlanto-Mediterranean Hexadella species (Porifera, Ianthellidae, Verongida).
Invertebrate systematics, 2012, 26, 230-248. (IF 2.5).

Erpenbeck D., Hooper J. N. A., Bonnard I., Sutcliffe P., Chandra M., Perio P., Wolff C., Banaigs B., Wörheide G., Debitus C., Petek S.
Evolution, radiation and chemotaxonomy of Lamellodysidea, a demosponge genus with anti-plasmodial metabolites.
Marine Biology, 2012, 159 (5), 1119-1127. (IF 2.2)

Badin A.-L., Mustafa T., Bertrand C., Monier A., Delolme C., Geremia, R. A., Bedell J.-P.
Microbial communities of urban stormwater sediments: the phylogenetic structure of bacterial communities varies with porosity.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2012, 81 (2), 324-338. (IF 3.4)

Fatiha El Babili, Christine Roques, Laila Haddioui, Floriant Bellvert, Cédric Bertrand, and Christian Chatelain
Velamo do Campo: Its Volatile Constituents, Secretory Elements, and Biological Activity
Journal of Medicinal Food. 2012, 15(7): 671-676. (IF 1.4)

Sacristán-Soriano O., Banaigs B., Becerro M.
Temporal trends in the secondary metabolite production of the sponge Aplysina aerophoba.
Marine Drugs, 2012, 10, 677-693. (IF 3.8)

Lopez G., Witczak A., Menniti C., Inguimbert N., Banaigs B.
Rapid synthesis of methoxyconidiol and conitriol stereoisomers.
Tetrahedron Letters, 2012, 53 (34), 4548-4550. (IF 2.7)

Prigent-Combaret C, Sanguin H, Champier L, Bertrand C, Monnez C, Colinon C, Blaha D, Ghigo JM, Cournoyer B.
The bacterial thiopurine methyltransferase tellurite resistance process is highly dependent upon aggregation properties and oxidative stress response.
Environ Microbiol. 2012, 14(10):2645-60. (IF = 5.843)

Lafaille F., Banaigs B., Inguimbert N., Enjalbal C., Doulain P.-E., Bonnet P.-A., Deleuze-Masquefa C., Bressolle F.
Characterization of a New Anticancer Agent, EAPB0203 and its Main Metabolites: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry studies.
Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84 (22), 9865-9872. (IF 5.8)

Bagnères-Urbany A.G., Banaigs B., Hossaert-McKey M.
Molécules et Nature réconciliées par l’écologie chimique.
Ecologie chimique, le langage de la nature. M. Hossaert-Mckey et A.-G. Bagnères-Urbany (Eds.).
Co-édition du Cherche-midi et du CNRS: Paris (2012) pp. 12-27.

Banaigs B.
Les espèces benthiques, des animaux immobiles, sans yeux et sans oreilles, mais pas sans molécules …
Ecologie chimique, le langage de la nature. M. Hossaert-Mckey et A.-G. Bagnères-Urbany (Eds.).
Co-édition du Cherche-midi et du CNRS: Paris (2012) pp. 36-37.

Bertrand C., Bonnard I.
Les coraux, une chimie complexe, un équilibre fragile.
Ecologie chimique, le langage de la nature. M. Hossaert-Mckey et A.-G. Bagnères-Urbany (Eds.).
Co-édition du Cherche-midi et du CNRS: Paris (2012) pp. 91.

Bertrand C., Cortesero A.M., Leblanc C.
Armes chimiques pour organismes immobiles.
Ecologie chimique, le langage de la nature. M. Hossaert-Mckey et A.-G. Bagnères-Urbany (Eds.).
Co-édition du Cherche-midi et du CNRS: Paris (2012) pp. 102-117

Boyaud F., Inguimbert N.
Synthesis of (2R,3R)-N -Fmoc-3-TBDMSilyloxy-aspartic acid-allyl ester.
Journal of Peptide Science, 2012, 18, S187. (IF: 1.8)

Boyaud F., Bonnard I., Banaigs B., Witczak A., Inguimbert N.
Synthesis and biological activity of cyclic peptides from cyanobacteria.
Journal of Peptide Science, 2012, 18, S90-S91 (IF: 1.8)

Rebiere H., Guinot P., Civade C., Bonnet P.A., Nicolas A.
Detection of hazardous weight-loss substances in adulterated slimming formulations using ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography with diode-array detection.
Food Addit. Contam A. 2012, 29, 161-171.[IF : 2.2]

Poujol S., Bressolle F., Solassol I., Pinguet F.
Stability of ready-to-use temsiroimus infusion solution (100 mg/L) in polypropylene containers under different storage conditions.
Ann. Pharm. Fr. 2012, 70(3), 155-162.

Poujol S., Dell’ova M., Bekhtari K., Bressolle F., Pinguet F.
Stability of the ready-to-use solutions of eribulin for intravenous infusion.
Ann. Pharm. Fr. 2012, 70(5), 249-255.

Levaillant Y., Brenier C., Grange Y., Nicolas A., Bonnet P.A., Massing-Bias L.R., Rakotomanga P., Koumare B., Mahly A., Absi M., Ciss M., Loueslati M.H., Chauvey D.
Simultaneous determination of artesunate and amodiaquine in fixed-dose combination by a RP-HPLC method with double UV detection: Implementation in interlaboratory study involving seven African National Quality Control Laboratories.
Chromatographia 2012, 75, 617-628. [IF : 1.0]

Gimeno P., Maggio A.F., Bousquet C., Quoirez A., Civade C. Bonnet P.A.
Analytical method for the identification and assay of 12 phthalates in cosmetic products: Application of the ISO 12787 international standard « Cosmetics-Analytical methods-Validation criteria for analytical results using chromatographic techniques.
J. Chromatogr. A 2012, 1253, 144-153. [IF : 4.1]